On my constant quest for internet inspiration, also known as procrastination, I stumbled upon a new website last month. Not just any website, I like to think of it as a kind of virtual scrapbook. Because it is. It's a springboard for anything you want to collect, from any website, from any genre. And the thing that gets me is that I thought of this. I've thought of it many times, actually. Since I have become a blog-hound, I've often had this inkling: "I wish I could cut and paste this, or that, save it somewhere cohesive where I can go back and look at it whenever." But placing everything I like on a daily basis into some sort of word document hodgepodge of cut and paste just seemed too messy, and I never took action. It seems someone else had similar thoughts and created one of the best internet sites ever. Honestly, I think this will be the next big thing. Right now it's in the start-up stage, to join you have to apply and be accepted. And that's just what I did. I received my acceptance letter last week and finally, yesterday, I took the plunge, and it's bad. Now, I am head-over-heals in love, completely addicted to this site and it's simplistic set-up, grab-and-go mentality, it's ease of use, and it's layout: it's all of my favorite things finally in one place. I control what goes up, how I label it, and when I use it. It's awesome and I highly recommend checking it out if, like me, you have a habit of searching blogs and falling in love with ideas and inspirations you want to use sometime in this lifetime, even if it is 5 or 10 years from now. At least those beauties are catalogued somewhere, somewhere lovely, somewhere easy, and somewhere, I predict, will be a very hot spot in the future. It's called
Pinterest and you can see my starting block
here. <3