Well, it's over. I am no longer a college kid. I am a graduate. Even though I did partake in half of a victory lap, it flew by fast. I never thought I would start saying things like that, but it's so true. I feel like it was seriously just yesterday when I was coming home for my first Christmas break... but my education is not over. We never stop learning, right? Yes, and I am starting that Grad school thing in Jan. so I have not been thrust into the real real world quite yet. One step closer though. Scary.
I am happy to report that I passed Spanish 3 with a lot of room to spare and ended up feeling very good about my final capstone project. You should definitely check it out here:
I also wanted to report that I received an amazing graduation gift from my parents - a new macbook pro laptop!!! Ahhh! I'm so excited to set it up and start editing photos, etc. I feel like it's my baby, I am pampering it. Thank you mom and dad!!! I love you! My parents have been so supportive of everything I do and I appreciate it more than I show. We actually had a heart to heart tonight about life, growing up, etc. and they gave me some really good advice: take care of yourself and be who you want to be first then everything else will fall in line. Words I need to live by. Lately I have been really wrapped up in things going on around me that I have been failing to see the value of myself and the little things in life. I've always valued the little things the most and lately I have lost track of that. Especially, now with Christmas rapidly approaching, it is very important to take some time and reflect. Reflect back on how lucky I am to have amazing friends and family. I'm lucky to live in the good U S of A and to have love in my life. I'm thankful for my MIZZOU education and the fact that I get to continue at the school I love so much. My last day of class I walked out of Jesse Hall into a snowy filled yard where 5 squirrels were playing. The quad looked so pretty and right then I realized how much I have came to fall in love with Mizzou (and the fuzzy squirrels!). The weather this week is actually calling for snow and I hope maybe we can have a white Christmas :). Snow just makes everything look so much prettier. Did you know that December 25 was possibly picked as the date to celebrate Christmas because it coincided with the winter solstice, which was a huge celebration, and that way people would remember Christ's birth? Read my tumblr project to find out more....
And lastly, I wanted to say that I have yet to make Bakerella's cakeballs, but I think tomorrow is the day... along with finishing up shopping and sleeping in of course, it is break...
Goodnight, I hope visions of sugarplum fairies dance in your head!
5 hours ago
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