So, as a nerdy person who sometimes enjoys reading her own ramblings, I have wanted to start a blog for a while; especially after I realized that A LOT of people I know already have blogs. Yes, most of them are married and have kids and the whole point of the blog is to "keep in touch", but even if I am a 5th year college kid (stop judging me, blahh) most of my friends did all just graduate and maybe I want to keep in touch? So, this is an experiment, in part because I wanted to pick out a really cute background, but also because I wanted to see if anyone would actually read what I write (or just look at my blog for the sa-weet background I choose, thank you I don't really have anything that extraordinary to say or ramblings that are praise worthy, but I will be studying abroad in exactly ONE month to Manchester, UK and I have decided this will be my excuse for shoving myself into the blog-a-sphere.
P.S.: Please excuse the actual web address, I just really love Missouri and everything else cool was already taken :(
28 minutes ago